
Inaugural Post

Hi there, welcome to Dee-Lovely!  For those of you who didn't grow up as musical theatre geeks, the title of this blog is a reference to Cole Porter's classic which sings "it's delightful, it's delicious, it's delovely".  The song was first in his 1936 musical Red, Hot and Blue, but later used in a revival of the much more famous Anything, Goes!.  This isn't a theatrical version of the song, but my favorite which is sung by the incredible Ella Fitzgerald: Enjoy!

I digress.

This isn't a theatre history blog (you're welcome).  I wanted a piece of the internet pie to celebrate my love of delightful, delicious, and delovely things, and maybe chat about the happenings in my life along the way.

So, a little about me: I'm a brand new resident of the beautiful Bay Area, and I love it!  I bet you're wondering (all hundreds of you - oh, hi Mom) how a Jersey girl made her way to the land of Ghiradelli chocolate and Full House.  Here's the cliff notes version:

I graduated from Boston University with a BFA in Theatre Arts Management.  With  California in my sights (and a palm tree painted on my cap), I lived at home for the summer to save up before the big move.

In October '10, my dad and I packed my new Mazda 3 with everything I owned and spent a week driving across the country in what has now been deemed "The Best Road Trip Ever".  Here we are at the Grand Canyon.

Upon arrival to LA, I dumped some Atlantic Ocean water into the Pacific.  I made it!

I loved the LA beach life and took way too many sunset pictures.  This was on my 23rd birthday.

I soon landed a job at a top talent & literary agency, the one which I moved to LA for, and it became my life.  It was glamorous, fast-paced, exciting, and after a while - utterly exhausting.  This is a picture I found of the office - pretty swanky, with views of the Hollywood sign and top-of-line everything.

Along the way, I fell for this cute Bay Area native.

I think he fell for me too.

An amazing opportunity in Northern California came a-knockin'...

And I took it!  One month ago, I said goodbye to the Hollywood lifestyle and to my LA friends (sadly) and hit the I-5 due north towards San Francisco. 

What an adventure it's been so far.  I'm hoping to discover even more delightful, delicious, and dee-lovely things along the way!


  1. Love this! That is a great summation of how you got to the Bay Area. Jordan and I will be joining you up there in just 3 short weeks, so get ready to explore the Bay Area with me! Congrats on your move, Dee!

  2. Great inaugural post! I will be an avid follower of this blog. It's going on my bookmarks bar right now.

    Love, your biggest fan

    P.S. I definitely did fall for you too. :)

    1. Everyone needs a biggest fan :) consider it mutual.

  3. Yeah that was a great trip! Looks like you had some great ones since then too!!
