
Inspire Thursday

We all need some inspiration now and again.  In an effort to make this blog a place for celebrating positivity, I'm going to post a good thought to chew on once a week.  How's Thursday, people?  Thursday is always a day I need an extra push.  Almost to the weekend, but not quite there yet!

Also, I like pretty things.  I will post quotes that look pretty.  However, I will try to err on the side of appealing, not something that would show up on Lisa Frank's Instagram.

Today's Inspire Thursday:  "We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us" -Joseph Campbell

I like this because it especially applies to people in my age group.  Until we are 18, we're all on the same timeline. Then, most of us go to college for four years.  It's the mid-20's where everything gets muddled up.  Some get a high-paying job straight out of school, others pay their dues in dream careers with low pay (entertainment anyone?).  Some are married, some are single, some even have kids.  A few years out of school, and groups of friends that used to have everything in common are now all over the map, both literally and figuratively.  It's not bad.  Everyone's just doing their thing. But like they say, the grass is always greener on the other side, and maybe you had your own inner timeline - Promotion by X, Married by Y, House by Z.  Campbell's quote reminds us that we all take different paths, and not only that - but we often take a different path from what we planned for ourselves.  Personally, I didn't plan to be living in California, but here I am, and I am so happy.  To me, this quote means letting go of expectations for my life and letting the "life waiting for me" happen by pursuing what makes me happy and what feels right and not comparing my life to others.  If we let go of expectations, and allow ourselves to accept when life doesn't go as planned, we might be surprised at how awesome plan B can be.


  1. I love this. Great quote and great post, Deanna. This is totally a quote for 20-somethings. I look forward to more Inspired Thursdays!

    1. Thanks, Kate! I thought so - it resonated with me.
