
Christmas Challenge

A week has passed since my last Christmas post, and let me tell you - almost each day was jam-packed with twinkle and jingle.  I can't get enough of this season!


This is a challenge I just created for myself, and I strongly encourage you to join in.  There are two rules:  
  • Engage in a Christmas activity each day
  • Report back
Would I have engaged in this anyway?  Likely.  Does making it a challenge make it more exciting? Absolutely!

Okay, considering I didn't have this CHALLENGbefore today, I think I deserve a pass if each day wasn't Christmasy.  However, I think I can muster up something for each day, knowing me.

Without further ado, my CHRISTMACHALLENGsince my last Christmas post:

December 5th

I attended a 20's group at church and I had a gingerbread cookie.  Okay this is a stretch.  No points.

December 6th

I researched inexpensive mp3 players for my Giving Tree gift.  The 10 year old girl I picked asked for one, and what's more Christmas-y than giving?  I ended up buying this one over the weekend.  

December 7th

Webb and I tried to make the Los Gatos Christmas Tree Lighting, but alas the inevitable rush hour traffic prevented this from being possible.  We still look a walk through the lovely downtown and snapped a pic of the giant, lit tree.

December 8th

One of my besties from BU & LA was in town, and it just so happened to be the same weekend as a giant costume Christmas party in the city!  Here we are looking festive & a little ridiculous :)  Leave it to Meg Boyle to get me in a costume - missed that girl!!! xo

Top: Me & Meg; Bottom: Lauren & Kate

December 9th

Since Sunday was mostly sight seeing with Meg & co., brunch, some errands, and Chinese food with Webb, and missed an Advent service, I'd say the most Christmas-y thing I did was observe this adorable sweater that Jane is crocheting for Ernie.  Guess I can't take credit, so - no points!  

December 10th

Watched LOVE ACTUALLY with Webb, and had to hold back from quoting the whole thing.  It's in my top 3.  And SO Christmasy!  That + some pasta = great at home date night.

"To me, you're perfect" - "What's worse that the total agony of being in love?" - "We need Kate, We need Leo, and we need them now" -  "let's go get the sh*t kicked out of us by love!"

December 11th

Christmas Caroling in the city!  Every year, a family friend of Webb's organizes a group outing to San Francisco to ride a trolley, sing carols, walk around Union Square, and indulge at Ghiradelli's.  We had a great time with family & friends and especially loved singing along with the cute kids.  

Carols, Trolley, Ice Cream, oh my!

Okay!  So I think I'm doing pretty well with this CHRISTMACHALLENGE so far.  Will I get a gold star?  Thirteen more days to find out!

PS. Happy 12-12-12!  As one born on 2-12, I'm a fan of these numbers.  Sound check, one two one two!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! So many great pics and great times. I'll try to remind you to do something Christmasy every day.
