
Inspire Thursday #2

It is Thursday yet again - are you ready to be inspired???  

"Far from what I once was, but not yet what I am going to be" - Anonymous (or some cool band that I'm too uncool to know about)

This quote stands out to me because it's easy in our twenties to feel the "tug-and-pull" between being adolescent and being a grown-up:  What I once was and What I'm going to be.  There is a lot of what we "were" in us today, and we all (I hope) have a goal of who we want to be.  We with wanting to get "there" as soon as possible,  instead of just enjoying the journey of figuring out who we're going to be.  I think it's nice to remember that we're constantly evolving, constantly learning, and constantly becoming better versions of ourselves.  

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