Last weekend, my dad flew out from New Jersey to check out my new life here in San Francisco. Being that I've only lived here for 3 months, I was majorly concerned that my hosting duties would be subpar. Turns out my dad only wanted to do 2 things: hang with me, and fix up my fixer upper. What a guy!
I wasn't going to let him get his way entirely, though. I wanted to show off my fab new city! The weeks before my dad's visit, Webb and I would exclaim "Oh let's do this with him!" whenever we did/ate/drank/saw anything cool.
My dad's easy-to-please attitude and my eager-to-please excitement resulted in a great trip. I love my dad, and it's so fun to spend quality time with him in my neck of the woods.
After the jump, check out a run down of what we did and some ideas for hosting in the City by the Bay.